Postcards: Then and Now
Littleton: Then and Now
Littleton Historical Society
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Town Center
Mill Pond
Dell Dale Farm
Country Store
Fire Station
Coleman's Cozy Cabins
H.H.H. Whitcomb House
Great Road
Hartwell Avenue
Harwood Avenue
Harwood Estate
Kimball Farm
King Street
Mary Foley House
Old Training Grounds
Porter Road
The Ledges
Webbing Factory
The old Webbing Factory near the Common is also known as United Elastics which closed in the late 1960s. Postage for this card was originally one cent for the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Cuba and two cents for "foreign." The Now photograph was taken from the IBM parking lot across Route 119, and although the trees hide it, the building still looks very much the same. See
United Elastic
in the Common section of Then and Now.