Postcards: Then and Now
Littleton: Then and Now
Littleton Historical Society
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Town Center
Mill Pond
Dell Dale Farm
Country Store
Fire Station
Coleman's Cozy Cabins
H.H.H. Whitcomb House
Great Road
Hartwell Avenue
Harwood Avenue
Harwood Estate
Kimball Farm
King Street
The Mary Foley House
Old Training Grounds
Porter Road
The Ledges
The Webbing Factory
Many Littleton residents bought their milk from Dell Dale Farm, shown in the distance in the postcard. The grazing cows were replaced by horses, and currently crops of sunflowers grace these fields. The Now photograph was taken from behind the Oak Meadow Montessori School adjacent to Route 2A. See
Dell Dale Farm
in the Farms and Dairies section of Littleton: Then and Now.