Littleton: Then and Now

See Littleton as it was and compare it to how it is now:  “Littleton: Then and Now” 

Inspired by the “Images of America” series, this project was begun years ago by Andrew Bowers and Andrea Curran.  It compares historical photos of Littleton from the Historical Society’s collection with current-day views, and each pair of photos is a study in how a small New England town changes over time—trees grow up, buildings burn down, buggies become cars and roads are realigned.   The site also contains anecdotal information and an overview of how the project was carried out.

Rephotographing Littleton took over a year because it was decided to retake each picture according to the season depicted.  Further, it necessitated things from standing in traffic on Rt. 110 to canoeing out onto Long Lake and Spectacle Pond.   At times it was perfectly clear where the original photo was taken, such as with a straight-on view of St. Anne’s Catholic Church.  But other places, like the long-gone ice house on Mill Pond, took hours to decipher and duplicate.

The project went from good to excellent when Nancy Bowers designed an interactive website, and it is this that is now available for public viewing.  Nancy has created a site where the click of a mouse can take you to an early-1900s view of Littleton Depot which can immediately be compared side-by-side with the present situation.  Sometimes it is hard to believe that the photos are truly the same spot, while with others you might think no time had passed at all.

Check out this entertaining and instructive piece of research at:

~ 2014 UPDATE – Littleton Postcards: Then and Now ~

A new section of Littleton: Then and Now project has been added in commemoration of Littleton’s 300th Anniversary. Postcards: Then and Now is an exhibit of some of the Littleton Historical Society’s old postcards presented in the Then and Now format. Enjoy!