Roof of Houghton Memorial Building To Be Replaced This Fall: The Society was successful in working with Littleton officials and committees to secure funds to replace the slate roof, including every hip, valley, and copper flashing. At the May Town Meeting, voters appropriated $215,000 from Community Preservation Act funds to pay for estimated construction costs. The Society will contribute $48,000 for construction-related costs (for a total of $263,000).
Construction Timetable: The Town received 9 bids in July, and awarded the contract to Meadows Construction of Newbury on August 12th. The Society is working closely with the Littleton Permanent Municipal Building Committee which will oversee the project. Construction is scheduled to start on August 31st.
Slate and Copper Materials: During construction, the contractor will remove all old slate and copper, and inspect support structures. New slate that matches the original slate will be used. All copper structures will be replaced, except for the ice belt which was installed in 1948 and not part of the original roof. The construction will also restore the original appearance of the chimney cap and preserve this historic Littleton landmark for the future.
Museum Hours continue During Construction: During construction, the Historical Society will continue to have the building open on Wednesday afternoons from 1 to 4 PM, and the second Sunday of the month from 2 to 4 PM.
Additional Cost to Repair Interior: After the roof is replaced and water infiltration has dried out, the Society must repair damaged walls and repaint the interior. The preliminary estimate to preserve the interior is $8,000 to $10,000.
See related information about Commemorative Slates and Wave of Slate-signing activities
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