Index Errata

Index Errata References to the People of Littleton feature omitted through an oversight from Littleton, Massachusetts, 1714–2014.

abolition, 273–274
adoptions, international, 290–291
African Americans, 268–274
Ancient Order of Hibernians, 283
Apfelbaum, Jack, 291
Avery Chemical Company, 278
Battaluri, Manjula, 289–290
Blanchett, John, 279
Boston, Elizabeth (Betty), 269–270
Boston, Elizabeth Oliver, 269
Boston, Philip, 269
Bowers Family, 277
Brown, George, 281
Brown, William, 272
Bruno, Thomas, 280
Buck, Catherine, 275
Calkins, Barbara, 282
Casale, Sandra and Bill, 290
Catholic Church, 275, 284
Ceremonial Time (Mitchell), 271
Chase, Lyman, 274
Chase, Sipio (Scippeo), 268
Chester family, 269
Civil War
African American soldiers, 272
Irish soldiers, 284
Clark, Bridget, 275
Coakley, Mary, 276
Conant businesses
Conant-Houghton Company, 278, 278
Cruz, Jamie, 283
Cruz, Paula, 283
DeSilvio family, 281
Desmond, Mary, 275
Dewey, George W., 268
Dodge, Hannah, 273, 284
Donlon, Patrick, 283
Eliades, Barbara Calkins, 282
Eliades, Elias, 281
Eliades, Hariclea, 281, 281
Eliades, Theodore (Ted) and Barbara, 282–283
Fassett, James, 268
Finnish immigrants, 283
First Church Unitarian (FCU), 273
Fitchburg Railroad, 274
Ford, Andrew, 283
Ford, Annie Susan, 283
Ford, Bridgett Ragan, 275
Ford, John, 275
Ford, Patrick, 283
Frattallone, Gino, 285, 286, 286
Frattallone, Pam, 286
Freeman, Abraham, 270
Freeman, Betsey Hazard, 270
Freeman, Martha, 270
Freeman, Olive, 268, 270
Freeman, Susan, 270
French-Canadian immigrants, 279
German immigrants, 291
Glavey Family, 277
Great Depression, 282
Greek immigrants, 281–283
Harvey, Marjorie and Henry, 289
Hazard, Betsey, 270, 273
Hazard, Caira, 273
Hazard, Elizabeth (Betty) Boston, 269–270
Hazard, Elizabeth (Lizzie), 272
Hazard, Emerson, 272, 273
Hazard, Frank, 272
Hazard, Horace Oliver, 273
Hazard, James, 272
Hazard, Mary, 273
Hazard, Mary Newell, 271–272
Hazard, Nahum, 272, 273
Hazard, Oliver Emerson, 273
Hazard, Peter, 271, 271
Hazard, Peter Jr., 270–271
Hazard, Roxanna (Rosilla) Tuttle, 271, 271
Hazard, Rufus, 271–272
Hazard, Thomas, 269–270
Hazard, Tower, 272
Hazard, William, 272–273
Healy, Dennis, 276
Healy, Ellen, 276
Healy, Mary, 284
Henesy, Henry, 273
Henesy, Mary Hazard, 273
Hennessey, Phillis, 273
Houghton Memorial Building, 280, 280
immigrant residents, 274–291
Finnish, 283
French-Canadian, 279
German, 291
Greek, 281–283
Indian, 289–290
Irish, 274–279
Italian, 279–281
Lithuanian, 279
Mexican, 289
Polish, 279
Russian, 290
Vietnamese, 287
Immigrants and Yankees (Wolkovich-
Valkavicius), 279
immigration laws, 287
Indian immigrants, 289–290
international adoptions, 290–291
Irish Benevolent Society, 283
Irish immigrants, 274–279
Irish population, 283–285
Italian immigrants, 279–281
Knights and Ladies of Kaleva, 283
Kowolski, Edward, 279
Kumykov, Murat and Galina, 290
lactic acid factory (Avery Chemical Company),
278, 279
LaVallee, Bob and Pamela, 290–291
Lawrence, William, 271
Leahy Family, 277
Lithuanian immigrants, 279
Littleton Council of Churches, 288
Littleton Lyceum, 284
Littleton Water Department (LWD), 280
McGovern, Frank, 277, 277
McNiff, Mary, 275
McNiff, Mary Jane Murphy, 275
McNiff, Michael, 275
McNiff, Patrick, 275
McNiff, Ralph, 281
Mexican immigrants, 289
Micot, John, 279
Mitchell, John Hanson, 271
Mitchell, Olive, 270
Monarrez, Oscar, 289
Murphy, Mary Jane, 275
Neagle, Annie, 284
Neagle, Mary Desmond, 275, 284
Neagle, Patrick, 275
Newell, Mary, 271–272
Nichols, Joann Heselton, 268
North School, 269, 270, 270, 273
Obanion, Arthur, 274
Oliver, Elizabeth, 269
Oliver, Peter, 268
Packard, Harrison, 284
Pacy family, 281
Peach, Joy Hartwell, 268
Phillis family, 269
Phil Russell House, 276
Pleasant View Farms, 282–283
Polish immigrants, 279
Poor Farm, 268, 281
Powers, Catherine Buck, 275
Powers, Edward, 275
Putnam, Adaline, 268
Putnam, Mill, 268
Ragan, Bridgett, 275
Reuben Hoar Library, 280, 280
Revolutionary War
African American soldiers in, 268, 270
Rios-Monarrez, Gloria, 289
Russian immigrants, 290
Sawyer, Oliver, 268
Scanlan, Ann, 285
Scanlan, James, 285–286
Sheridan Acres Farm, 275
slavery, 268, 272
Smith, James, 284
Springdell Farm, 283
Sullivan, Mary Coakley, 276
Sullivan, Timothy, 276
Sullivan Farm, 276
temperence movement, 284–285
Theodoros, Antasias (Tasso), 282, 282–283
Theodoros, Helen, 281, 281–283
Theodoros, Jackie, 281, 281–283
Theodoros, James, 282
Theodoros, James and Marea, 281–283, 281
Theodoros, Tasso, 282, 282–283
Thomas, Jacob, 268
Thomas, Mill, 268
Tran, Cam, 288
Tran, Cong, 288
Tran, Da, 288
Tran, Dinh, 288
Tran, Kim, 287–289
Tran, Quy, 288
Tran, Tam, 288–289
Tran, Thanh, 289
Tran family, 288, 288, 289
Tuttle, Roxanna (Rosilla), 271, 271
Tuttle, Titus Haywood, 271
Union School, 274
Vietnamese immigrants, 287–288
Vietnam War, 287
White, William (Reverend), 273
Williams, Mariah, 268
Wolkovich-Valkavicius, William, 279
“The Workbook of Families of Color of the
Nashoba Valley,” 268