The Littleton Historical Society is a private, non profit organization devoted to the preservation of Littleton’s history, the dissemination of information, and the promotion of interest in local history

*****Meet the Littleton Patriots of 1775. Come visit the newest exhibit celebrating the 250th anniversary of the beginning of the War of Independence. Meet the 29 patriots of Littleton who marched to Concord on April 19, 1775. The exhibit provides information about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and how they affected the men and women of Littleton. We still have the newest block for sale, LIBERTY SQUARE MONUMENT-only $10******
New Book about Littleton: History of the Nashobah Praying Indians by Littleton historian Daniel V. Boudillion. $20 available at the Museum or purchase at For more information click here
Check out the link to the Littleton’s Historic Markers, a page of photos you can click on to see larger, created by Littleton resident and volunteer, Tom Howes.
The Littleton Then & Now project was created by volunteers Andrew Bowers and Andrea Curran, showing historical pictures alongside current day views of Littleton.
Is the Baker-Sargent house on Robinson Road the oldest house in Littleton? An attic beam carved “Built in 1673 by SP” would seem to indicate this, but the truth is far more surprising. Learn who SP actually was, and whose hand carved this inscription in 1673, and for whom!
Friday’s Finds is a new addition to our website, highlighting recent discoveries around Littleton’s history.
Banner of Town Seal available for sale. Click here to purchase.
Our Online Shop is Open! Click here to visit